Apr 09, 2020
COVID 19 is affecting everybody and TRAC is no exception.
TRAC board has been fielding questions about the future of events for this year. We have had to postpone the Performance Horse Seminar which was scheduled in March. We do have a tentative date for November for PHS and we will send out details as the date draws closer.
We had a video conference board meeting this past weekend. We discussed the upcoming Intro Clinic that was scheduled for May 23 and have cancelled it for this year. All other events are tentatively scheduled for the dates previous announced. We are advising the ride organizers to continue planning their rides but to have a contingency plan to either cancel or reschedule if possible.
The board will be in communication with ride managers to determine if it safe to hold their event and any precautions that might need to be taken. The safety and health of our members and event attenders is very important and we will take any precautions necessary.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact the board through or Facebook.
It is still our hope that we will be able to see you on the trail this summer.